experience the passion

Winter Sports at Its Best

Door-to-Door Transportation for all campers!  We take care of pick-up and drop-off right to your home!

All Meals Included!  Whether it’s a healthy breakfast to start the day at Silver Diner, or having sushi or italian for lunch, all meals and dining excursions are included in the cost of tuition. No more preparing lunches for your child as they run out the door!

We Provide Private Security!  For all overnight adventures and select day trips, we utilize a Private Security team consisting of experienced former federal law enforcement personnel to accompany our group every step of the way, ensuring a secure and worry-free experience for both students and parents.

High School Program:  we offer high school students the opportunity to travel with their peers during school breaks and experience life instead of sitting home and in front of their phones.  Our high school travel offers adventures to a variety of fun and outdoorsy locations while also including programming that focuses on Executive Function skills, including emotional regulation, organization, time and stress management.  In addition, high school students receive instruction from security personnel about staying safe and identifying threats while traveling in new environments.

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Learn to Climb With Qualified Instructors and Improve Your Skill Level

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There Is a Vast Selection of Climbing Locations to Choose From

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feel the excitement

Expert Guidance and Advice

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discover your passion

Our Instructors

Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas
CEO Founder
Simon Jolta
Simon Jolta
Senior Trainer
Bill Kennedy
Bill Kennedy
Senior Trainer
Tina Luyben
Tina Luyben
Senior Trainer